Green Chilaquiles Recipe
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For starters, if you don’t already own a quality tape measure, buy one. Get one with a 25-foot-long blade that’s 1-inch wide and has a lock to keep the blade extended, such as the Stanley PowerLock Tape Measure ($11, The Home Depot). The wide blade extends a long way without buckling. If possible, get a tape measure that doesn’t have the first few inches divided into 32nds. These fine markings are rarely needed in carpentry projects and can be distracting....
Choose one of these solid flannel sets (from $17; in sophisticated colors, like indigo, white, and soft blush. And if you really can’t bear to part with cotton bedding, opt for twill sheets, like anelegant set from Brooklinen (from $189;, which is woven from long-staple cotton but was made for cold winter nights. RELATED: How to Choose the Best Bed Sheets Also, consider the fill power, or the amount of space one ounce of down takes up....
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Conventional heating systems create temperature zones in different parts of a room. These zones can make sections or levels of the room uncomfortable and prompt you to raise the heat setting to warm up the cool spots. Radiant floor heating warms the entire area to a consistent, comfortable temperature. It also heats without blower noise and dust. Most homeowners can expect to spend several days installing radiant heat flooring and should have electrical experience....
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Fortunately, it’s easy enough to make pumpkin purée yourself. The final result retains its health benefits and color and is made without shelf stabilizers or flavor additives. Bonus: Roasting the pumpkin adds a warm, autumnal scent to your home—no candle required! The puréeing process is quick, and one pumpkin (depending on its size) yields enough purée for at least two pumpkin pies. Here’s how to get started. Ingredients While any pumpkin can be puréed, culinary professionals prefer certain varieties for various uses....
Use better bread. In most sandwiches, bread is the component that takes up the most physical space, so start with good bread. Investing in a $5 loaf (or baking one yourself) and slicing it right before you make the sandwich gives you a huge flavor and freshness boost relative to pre-sliced bread or a low-quality loaf. Keeping that bread kept out of the fridge and sealed will prolong the life of its flavor and bite....
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